(727) 323-2020

Sunny Florida
Down Town Properties

All Properties For Sale or Rent are By owner. When you call us you are calling the direct owners of all properties listed on this site. Call us anytime at 727-323-2020 or 727-323-4677
Outside Strip Mall on Central Ave

5 giant Commercial Rental Units For Sale in Grand Central District
Great monthly Income Generator
Call (727) 323-2020 or (727) 323-4677
10,00sqft of Vital Downtown Property
Zoning is for Residential & Commercial 3 to 4 stories high
2309, 2311, 2313, 2315, 2317 Central Ave, St Pete, FL
St Petersburg, FL 33713
This is a gigantic corner unit and the largest unit we have. It is approximately 3000sqft and is made up of several office spaces inside
St Petersburg, FL 33713
Nice space for any retail or office space. Approx 1800sqft with a separate storage area and roll up door in the rear of the building.
St Petersburg, FL 33713
This is a gigantic space for any business that needs allot of floor, wall and storage space.
St Petersburg, FL 33713
Approx 1800sqft beautiful Store Front with Separate Storage area in rear of Store. High Wall Space to hang plenty of inventory
St Petersburg, FL 33713
Corner gigantic space on one of the busiest downtown streets called Central Ave. This has beautiful new store windows, extra storage area in rear and giant roll up door in the rear of the building.
Property Appraisal in Hand, Passed All City Inspections, Completed Renovations and Each Property Complete turn key Businesses
Call for more information
(727) 323-2020 or (727) 323-4677

" I have been renting here for 9 years and I have a very successful and thriving business. "
" Location, Location, Location is where it is at for all new businesses that wish to be successful. "
" This busy downtown area has plenty of traffic, walk ins and close to popular entertainment businesses."